Australian Levels Program
The Australian Levels Program (ALP) is the competitive Women's Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) program that our competitive gymnasts follow. The program consists of 10 levels each with strict skill requirements. Level progression is only possible by achieving a grading score at competition. Gymnasts in this program have the opportunity to compete locally in Tasmania and Nationally if selected for the Tasmanian State Team.
Entry into our ALP squads is by invitation only.
Foundation ALP
Children from our Club Levels Program and KinderGym classes who show potential for competitive gymnastics success are invited to join this program. Gymnasts in this program will build the necessary strength and skill foundations that are required for future gymnastic skill learning and success in the ALP. Gymnasts in this program have the opportunity to participate in In-House events.
Training days: Tuesday 3:45-5:45pm & Saturday 1:00 - 3:00pm
ALP Level 3-4
Children who show potential for competitive gymnastics success in our Foundation ALP Squad are invited to join our ALP Level 3 Squad. Gymnasts in this group will continue to develop their gymnastics skills and enter in local gymnastics competitions around Tasmania. Club Uniform (ALP 3-6 long sleeve leotard, soft shell jacket, plank black tracksuit pants) is required when attending competitions.
Training days: Monday & Wednesday 4:00 - 6:30/7:00pm; Saturday 1:00 - 3:30/4:00pm
ALP Level 5:
In this squad gymnasts will continue to develop their gymnastics skills and compete as Level 4, 5 or 6 gymnasts at local Tasmanian competitions. Club Uniform (ALP 3-6 long sleeve leotard, soft shell jacket, plank black tracksuit pants) is required when attending competitions.
Training days: Monday & Wednesday 4:00 - 8:00pm; Friday 4:00 - 7:00pm
Senior ALP (Levels 6-10):
In this squad gymnasts will continue to develop their gymnastics to the highest levels within the ALP. Gymnasts have the opportunity to compete locally in Tasmania and Nationally. Gymnasts at Level 6 have the opportunity to trial for the State Team to compete in the Bigham Cup Competition. Gymnasts in Level 7 have the opportunity to trial for the State Team to compete in the Bigham Cup Competition and Border Challenge. Gymnasts in Levels 8-10 have the opportunity to trial for the State Team to compete at the Australian National Gymnastics Championships. Club uniform (ALP 3-6 or 7-10 long sleeve leotard, soft shell jacket and black tracksuit pants) is required when representing Zodiacs at competition.
Training days: Monday & Wednesday 4:00 - 8:00pm; Friday 4:00 - 7:00pm and Saturday 1:00 - 4:00pm